Acne is a common skin disease classified as chronic because
there is no known treatment for the disorder. Acne vulgaris is characterized by
blackheads, pimples, whiteheads, greasy skin, and even scarring. The appearance
of this skin disorder is usually met with low self-esteem, anxiety, and
inordinate cases of depression that could lead to suicide. There are many
causes of acne, and genetics happen to share about 80 percent cases. Diets happen
to play an unclear role, so does cleanliness and sunlight. The face, necks, and
chest area are the common places where acne invades. So far, multiple treatment
techniques have been deployed against the scourge, but most have proven
ineffective. In some cases, the best treatment is to prevent oil and diet build
up, while the patient waits for it to run its course. Acne mostly affects
younger people under the age of 22 years, but adult acne is another issue
entirely, requiring medium to severe treatments.
Causes of acne
There are various types of acne, but the most common one is
the teens-related acne. It develops during puberty period and most times ends
after puberty. During puberty, hormones (especially testerone) increases. The
changes in hormones trigger skin glands to produce more sebum. And the oils
released in turn keeps the skin moisturized, but when it mixes with dead cell,
and blocks the pore, acne develops. In the mixture of oil and dirt, bacteria
can develop out of it, and when it escapes into close by tissues, it will lead
to redness, pus, and swelling. Other causes of acne are medicines like lithium
or corticosteroids, Cushing’s syndrome and polycystic can also trigger the
growth of acne.
The treatment for acne ranges from mild acne treatment to
severe acne treatment. Each stage has unique medication that is best to combat
the disorder. There are different therapies adopted for the treatment of the
condition. In most cases, the treatment was successful, but, temporary. But in
other cases, treatments only brought about temporary relief or no results. Usually,
puberty-related acne doesn’t respond much to medications because it’s a natural
occurrence that is better left to run its course. But to keep it safe and
prevent complication, antibiotics like tetracycline, doxycycline, lymecycline,
etc., are used. Sometimes acne responds to treatments and fades for a while,
but redevelop after a while.
Mild treatments like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and
regular cleaning of the face with water and mild soap works.
Natural treatment
Natural treatments require administering naturally sourced
treatment to combat acne. Diets like, lemon/lime, honey, milk, apple cider
vinegar, and many others are effective in fighting the disorder.
Acne is a well known skin disease that affects mostly teens
within the puberty stage. It can be treated with antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide,
salicylic acid, etc. Also, natural treatments are known to be effective for
acne treatments. For effective acne treatments using natural means, check out,
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